Podcast Review: “The Life Coach School” – an unexpected favorite
Two notes up front: First, I’m not paid by any of the experts or Apps mentioned in this article. I’m just sharing my experience and appreciation of them because there’s so much noise out there that I always appreciate heartfelt recommendations. In other words, this is me paying it forward. And second, I’m not an […]
Book Review “Unapologetically Ambitious”
The book “Unapologetically Ambitious: Take Risks, Break Barriers, and Create Success on Your Own Terms” landed on my reading list through the Penn Alumni book club. The author, Shellye Archambeau, is an alumni too, so I read it not only because I found the premise interesting, but also to support a fellow alumn – in […]
Life & Writing Hack: Do “Homework for Life”
“Homework for Life” is the brain child of Matthew Dicks, primary school teacher, author, and storyteller extraordinaire. The concept is simple: Take 5 minutes at the end of every day to answer the question “if I had to tell a story from my day today, what would it be?” – and record it. The easiest […]
10 Free Resources for Writers
For years, investing in myself as a writer meant carving out time to read and write. I still do that, as much as I can. But what changed some six months ago is that I am now willing to pay for resources, courses, webinars – selectively! – to improve my craft. In case you’re not […]
How a single word changed my life as a new mother, and can change yours no matter what
In the initial weeks and months after I gave birth, there were days when I resented my husband for not doing his exact 50% share of caring for our daughter. The feeling would sit, like a festering pit of nerves, in my stomach. It tainted everything with the annoyance oozing out of it in waves. […]