Shahnaz Radjy

Deleted Scene from "Flight of an Orphan Thief"

Author interview: Claude Forthomme on why not to self-publish, a love of writing, and multiculturalism

Author Interview: Ryan Artes on the Poetry of Identity

Self-publishing on Amazon KDP: 6 Lessons 

A letter to my Impostor Syndrome

Advance Reader Copy: The magic of ARCs

Cover Reveal!

Book Cover Design: Where to begin?

My writing journey: Self-publishing, here we go!

Podcast Review: “The Life Coach School” - an unexpected favorite

Book Review "Unapologetically Ambitious"

Life & Writing Hack: Do “Homework for Life”

10 Free Resources for Writers

Book Review: "The Moneyless Man"

How a single word changed my life as a new mother, and can change yours no matter what

Book Review: “Crossing the River”

The Seven S's of Spring & the Persian New Year

What my daughter's first birthday party meant to me as a first time mother

Book Review: "Legends & Lattes"

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Book Review: "Living with a SEAL"

Book Review: "The Art of Misdiagnosis"

Writing hack: Be your own accountability buddy