Deleted Scene from “Flight of an Orphan Thief”
While “Flight of an Orphan Thief” is told exclusively from Ayla’s perspective, here you discover a deleted scene from Ro’s point of view.
A letter to my Impostor Syndrome
Dear Impostor Syndrome, While I know you’re always lurking, I appreciate that most of the time my cheerleader voice is louder than yours. You might be frustrated that despite your insistence to stick around, I refuse to let you interfere in all the things I set out to do. Fair, I suppose. I’m frustrated that […]
Cover Reveal!
It’s done! It’s here! And I’m so excited to share… Here is the cover for “Flight of an Orphan Thief”, my young adult fantasy debut novel coming out March 20 this year: How it came about As mentioned in my last post “Book Cover Design: Where to begin?“, the options were numerous and almost overwhelming. […]
Book Review: “Legends & Lattes”
Debut novel “Legends & Lattes” by Travis Baldee is a story about redefining yourself, daring to build your dream, unlikely friendships (the best kind), and defying expectations.